Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Don't Mess With Texas? Don't Make Me Laugh.

I'll say it. In all of Texas there is less than a handful of people interested American security. Oh they sport matching t-shirts and shake their fist when it comes to border patrol, but when asked to write a simple letter of protest or make a brief call to their local representative, the entire state caves like a bunch of little girls.

And speaking of girls, apparently hairspray, a tantrum, and a sufficient amount of whining is all that's needed for Representative Jim Keffer to cave, a man who rushed to the manipulative clerks' rescue and suggested we all ignore Attorney General Abbott's ruling so that the "courthouse can get back to business as usual".

Business as usual equals corruption in Texas.

If that sounds harsh, perhaps you can explain how trafficking in social security numbers would land the rest of us in prison, yet is perfectly legal when done by a Texas County Clerk?

Isn't anyone down there asking why the clerks are hell-bent on keeping title companies, banks, and data brokers happier than their own citizens?

If you're the next victim of ID Theft in Texas, don't expect much sympathy from a legal system who preferred business as usual over security, and please, don't have the you-know-whats to whine about it. It's clear now that you don't have any you-know-whats.
